Summer 2017

They say that spring is the busiest time on a farm. 2 Bridges Farm is no exception. 3 heifer calves and a bull calf have arrived. We have also had 5 lambs added to our flock. Animal care, new fence and pasture maintenance have taken most of our spare time. The warm summer temperatures have brought the usual flies and predators. We have even come across a couple of young skunks in the neighbourhood (eeew). It certainly keeps life interesting! However, things have been moving along nicely. Our pasture raised chicken will be processed on August 3rd. You all know how quickly these get sold so if you want chicken you will need to let us know asap. I have been told that they can be halved or quartered for an extra fee. Let us know if that is something you are interested in and we will let you know how much extra that will cost. If you prefer to continue with whole chickens the price remains the same. We expect the chicken wi...